January 5th auditions a success
Auditions for
Random People’sTheatre:
January 5th, 2019
Randomonium will again break out in Southern Humboldt. Auditions for the 2019 Random People’s Theatre Project will be Saturday, January 5th at the Redwood Playhouse, on Sprowel Creek Road in Garberville. The auditions will start at 3pm.
There are roles available for all genders and age groups from 17 years old up.
We welcome and encourage all experienced and inexperienced actors, and have a vignette that includes Spanish speakers.
This year’s show will take place on March 22st, 23nd and 24rd.
Scripts for all the shows are available at the Garberville library -
to read there or copy.
They are also available below.
As the project progresses you can follow us on Facebook.
Bring a friend and come Join the fun.
If you have questions or want additional information please call Marilyn at
707 943-9786.

Scroll down to see the scripts as PDF's
